
146 SPACES, 17 City North Place, Finshbury Park London N4 3FU

Nightingale Consulating Rooms, 11‑19 Lisson Grove, Marylebone, London NW1 6SH


Management of Enuresis

Management of Enuresis

Management of Enuresis: Principles and Efficacy

Enuresis is a prevalent issue that affects both children and a significant portion of
adults, leading to considerable distress and often resulting in feelings of shame and

When treating enuresis, medical professionals address both physical and psychological issues.

Factors contributing to enuresis

Enuresis has a dual etiology; it can be caused by either physical or psychological factors, which are outlined below:

-Physical causes that can contribute to the condition include urinary tract infections, constipation, and neurological abnormalities.
-Psychological elements include emotional stress, anxiety, and sadness.

Foundations of Behavioral Treatment for Enuresis

Treating enuresis includes implementing a sequence of incremental steps in behavioral
therapy. It consists of the following:

1. Bladder training: Employing various intervals to awaken the child in order to
facilitate urination.

2. Bladder training: Developing the child ability to retain urine for specific periods
of time.

3. Motivation: Promoting the child self-reliance in managing enuresis.

4. Environmental modifications: Altering the child surroundings to minimize the likelihood of accidents.

Efficacy of Behavioral Therapy for Enuresis

Behavioral treatment has been shown to be highly effective in reducing the frequency
of accidents in children with enuresis. As an example, in a particular study, 80% of
children experiencing bedwetting who underwent behavioral treatment ceased
bedwetting within the initial 6 months.









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